
Tuesday, March 08, 2011




Sowing Seeds Of Peace


I am a global gardener

Sowing seeds of peace
My love of humanity
Inspires and nourishes me
We must embrace our sacredness
We must be ambassadors of light
We must respect the earth
We must savor every breath
We must invoke self awareness
We must manifest the life we desire
I am a global gardener
Sowing seeds of peace
My love of humanity
Inspires and nourishes me
I bless the heart of the world
I seek to foster greater harmony
I live life in a conscious way
I seek the path to belonging
I believe in the power of community
I honor and celebrate life
I am a global gardener
Sowing seeds of peace
My love of humanity
Inspires and nourishes me
You are heaped with blessings
You are touched by genius
You are a vessel of expression
You are aligned with a higher goal
You are a student of truth
You are gentleness and love
I am a global gardener
Sowing seeds of peace
My love of humanity
Inspires and nourishes me

~Micheal Teal ~
"Today should be the day  to forget the past differences of yesterday in order to achieve a better future tomorrow."

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My-Diary is a friendly forum and you can share attractive, motivating, appealing, exciting, fascinating stuff from your "Personal Diary". Medium of communication can be English, Urdu or Punjabi (Plain or Roman Text).

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The theme of this group is to socializing about Islamic values along with promoting inspirational thoughts share some motivating, appealing, fascinating stuff with other by keeping code of conduct basic moral values for this group.

My-Diary Group encourages the sharing of English, Urdu and Punjabi literature. Along with that being part of this forum you will have right to address social issues and discuss anything that concerns life, people and society. My-Diary facilitates free flow of ideas and freedom of expression. It also affirms the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Forum offers to assist individuals to host events promoting Pakistani/Indian/Urdu/Punjabi literature, culture and personalities.

Sure! My-Diary will turn out to be special group with your help and support.

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