
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Womens' Day on 8th March - C'mon, All days are woman's day only - Humour Ed

Good day Dear Brothers and Sisters,Its Tuesday, March 8th 2011

Click for Mumbai, India Forecast

Its that day again 
Women's day .. bah!!

Seriously, is that something to celebrate about??

You ask me, I am telling you.
All days are womens' day 24/7

You smile at us and you can pretty much get us to do
most of your work. A slightly elevated dress above the knees
and you can completely stop our brains from working.

Complete 100% shut down

You earn the same as us and you are appreciated much
more ... We have to earn way more than you to even
break even in respect

You can hit us in public and it is still we who look bad ..
(tch tch .. got beaten by a woman or must have been a creep)
And God help us if perchance we were to physically
push you away (even if its to save your life from an oncoming
speeding car driven by a drunk) ...
Public phir bhi Humko peetegi 

You can cry (shed a few tears, even fake ones) and the Gods
literally breathe down on us to make amends

We HAVE to offer you a seat in public transport or
risk looking impolite and uncouth and uncivilised
We even have to carry the heavy suitcases on train journeys
(Suitcases full of matching sandals with sarees )

You can even sleep your way to the top.
Can we do that???

I mean, I know most Men would love to,
Men have trying since ages and they are having difficulty
to even get their wives to sleep with them at times
Darling, I've a headache, I am tired .. )
I am telling you
24/7, its a women's day alright
I could go on and on, but I don't want to spoil it
for you Women .. coz' we still Love you .
That's how gullible we Men are


Consider that to be my tribute

for a
Happy Womens' day
Hugs and Love with this editorial

now Now .. those hugs were all innocent ones
(Yeah right =P~)

But, Jokes aside, Seriously

To all Woman,
Not just once a Year

Yeah, We Love you
Attachment on Women was posted by Ms Luxmi in Yahoogroups----------------------------------------------------
Your comments and feedbacks always welcome
at  as well as

------------ --------- --------- ----------------------

Working for God on earth does not pay much,  
but His Retirement plan is out of this world.
Help someone have a nice day,
With best wishes,

~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~
Feel free to forward this post in its entirety
without changing the credits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

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