
Thursday, February 03, 2011

What do You have to Offer


You can have anything you desire when you have something to offer in return.
The path to lasting success is traveled by continuously creating something new
and valuable to offer.
If your focus is on getting, and taking, and acquiring, you will meet up with much resistance.
Such an approach will make it nearly impossible to accomplish the goals you've set for yourself.

Focus instead on finding ways to give, to create value, and to make that
real and meaningful value available to others.
When you seek to give of yourself,
the possibilities for doing so will have no limit.

Many people are, by nature, quite thoroughly self-centered.
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity that represents?

By giving people what they want, you can readily achieve whatever you want.
Work to advance the interests of others, and your own interests are
even more profoundly advanced.

Look at the world around you and ask yourself what you're able to offer
that can bring value to the moment and to the situation.
Answer that question and you've figured out how to move quickly ahead.
~Ralph Marston~



Recent Activity:
My-Diary is a friendly forum and you can share attractive, motivating, appealing, exciting, fascinating stuff from your "Personal Diary". Medium of communication can be English, Urdu or Punjabi (Plain or Roman Text).

Kindly use for sending emails at My-Diary Group.

The theme of this group is to socializing about Islamic values along with promoting inspirational thoughts share some motivating, appealing, fascinating stuff with other by keeping code of conduct basic moral values for this group.

My-Diary Group encourages the sharing of English, Urdu and Punjabi literature. Along with that being part of this forum you will have right to address social issues and discuss anything that concerns life, people and society. My-Diary facilitates free flow of ideas and freedom of expression. It also affirms the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Forum offers to assist individuals to host events promoting Pakistani/Indian/Urdu/Punjabi literature, culture and personalities.

Sure! My-Diary will turn out to be special group with your help and support.

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|| My-Diary |||| Living together is an art || Current Group Rank is 27 in  2797 Pakistani Groups || 
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