"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . ." -- Pierre-Henri Bunel [Former French artillery and intelligence officer]
Truth-seekers around the world have found another self-revealing lead. Reuters reports that 'Al Qaeda' has "confirmed" that "bin Laden died in Abbottabad operation".
According to the Reuters report (excerpts):"Al Qaeda confirmed the death Osama bin Laden Friday in an Internet message that vowed revenge on the United States and its allies, including Pakistan, according to the SITE monitoring service" [Echoing exactly what CIA Director Panetta said a few days back, strange isn't it? Since when has the CIA been assessing proper intel?]
"We call upon our Muslim people in Pakistan, on whose land Sheikh Osama was killed, to rise up and revolt to cleanse this shame that has been attached to them by a clique of traitors and thieves ... and in general to cleanse their country from the filth of the Americans who spread corruption in it."
This is a huge blunder made by the so-called 'Al Qaeda'. They actually acknowledge the fake "recent killing" of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, thereby indirectly giving credibility to the Obama Administration, Pentagon and CIA.
Let us analyse how after the OBL hoax, we have Israel's intelligence Mossad losing its control on propagation of proper formulated disinformation. First of all, if the 'Al Qaeda' was ever a real jihadi organisation, it would have known that Osama bin Laden had actually died about a decade ago.
WHY BIN LADEN DIED ABOUT A DECADE AGO> Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a senior US government insider, former CFR member, former subordinate to Henry Kissinger and James Baker to name a few and who still serves in the Department of Defense mentioned 9 years ago and recently again in an interview that a top General of the Paul Wolfowitz squad revealed back then that Osama bin Laden had been killed at Tora Bora and that 9/11 was a false-flag operation [Source]
> Former CIA Middle East case officer-turned writer Robert Baer had stated in a 2008 interview to Terry Gross in the latter's show Fresh Air on National Public Radio that bin Laden is long dead and that his alleged videos can be easily manipulated.
He also went on to say:
"He hasn't shown up, I've taken in the last month a poll of CIA officers who have been on his trail, and what astounded me was not a single one was sure he was alive or dead. They have no idea, I mean this man disappeared off the side of the earth."
Baer also warned that the war is shifting into Pakistan, a dangerous precedent that could see the vaguely defined conflict move anywhere. [Source]
> Dr. Steve Pieczenik had revealed in his April 2002 interview that he worked with Osama bin Laden in 1978 and 1981 and the latter "had kidney disease. As a physician, knew that he had to have two dialysis machines and he was dying" Pieczenik told Jones during the April 24, 2002 interview.
Pieczenik then stated that the video tape of a fat Bin Laden look alike "taking responsibility" for 9/11 that was released in December 2001 was "such a hoax" designed to "manipulate" people in the emotional aftermath of 9/11.
The subsequent war in Afghanistan that followed 9/11 was orchestrated "With the agreement of the bin Laden family, knowing fully well that he would die," said Pieczenik. "And I think that Musharraf, the President of Pakistan, spilled the beans by accident three months ago when he said that bin Laden was dead because his kidney dialysis machines were destroyed in East Afghanistan."
> Add to this a statement by CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta who gave his professional assessment of bin Laden's medical condition based on the videotape broadcasted by al Jazeera on December 27, 2001. He explained that bin Laden's ghastly appearance - "grayness of beard, paleness of skin, very gaunt sort of features" - is often associated with chronic kidney failure or renal failure. He also noted that bin Laden couldn't move his left arm probably due to a stroke because people suffering from kidney failures have a higher risk for stroke. Dr. Gupta pointed out that dialysis machines require electricity, clean water and a sterile environment to function properly. Without an operational machine, a patient could only survive for less than a week.
> An Egyptian paper posted on December 26, 2001, ran an obituary on Osama bin Laden whose death resulted from lack of proper medical care for "serious lung complications." A Taliban official told the Pakistan Observer that he saw bin Laden's face before the burial in Tora Bora where some members of bin Laden's family, friends and al Qaeda fighters gathered for his funeral. Asked whether he could pinpoint the spot where bin Laden was buried, he answered, "I am sure that like other places in Tora Bora that particular place too must have vanished," implying that it was obliterated by U.S. aerial bombing.
The link to the Washington Post piece was originally:
Which has been removed for obvious reasons
> Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's Religious Studies program had joined Kevin Barrett on his radio show (gcnlive.com, 2/16/2007, first hour) in his first public interview since comments he made in 2006 indicating that he believes Bin Laden may be dead and that many of the newer tapes are either fake or consist of old audio and video.
The "Confession" video, played ad infinitum in the wake of the attack on Afghanistan in December 2001, was magically found in a house in Jalalabad after anti-Taliban forces moved in. It featured a fat Osama laughing and joking about how he'd carried out 9/11. The video was also mistranslated in order to manipulate viewer opinion and featured "Bin Laden" praising two of the hijackers, only he got their names wrong.
Real Bin Laden (left), Fake Mossad "bin Laden" (right)
Men wearing gold is considered strictly "haram" (prohibited) in Islam
> One of Osama's sons Omar bin Laden in a video strongly suggested that the videos of bin Laden emerging after 2001 seem fake.
> In May 2009, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed that his "counterparts in the American intelligence agencies" hadn't heard anything from Bin Laden in seven years and confirmed "I don't think he's alive" [whereas he shamefully retracted a few days back after CIA's new feed]
> In November 2, 2007, former Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto told David Frost of Al Jazeera in an interview while speaking of people who threaten her "Omar Saeed Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden"
> Benazir Bhutto gets assassinated just a few days later on December 27, 2007 (after her revelation of Osama being long dead)
The CIA has a habit of recruiting assets and then disposing of them once their objectives are fulfilled. If you want to be aware of your history, you should know that during Afghan jihad when the CIA was looking for Saudi intelligence representatives for jihad, one of them was codenamed "Tim Osman" who met Michael Riconosciuto and FBI's Theodore Gunderson in 1986 at the Hilton Hotel in Sherman Oaks, California to procure a sizeable cache of advanced weapons. 'Tim Osman' was none other than Osama bin Laden himself.
See the declassified FBI file here
Later on, as many might have surely read over the years, the Bin Laden family started to severe ties with the Bush family (who were good friends). The personal hatred might have forced George Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney to order the CIA to send in a double-agent to kill Bin Laden. You have read the varying statements above. According to my intel reports, Osama bin Laden was killed in 2002 (early) at Tora Bora by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who tricked him into accompanying him "to get safe haven in Pakistan". He was killed right then.
Whichever narrative is true, the one thing we all agree upon is that Osama bin Laden died about a decade ago during the aerial carpet-bombing at Tora Bora by the USAF.
Bin Laden would most probably have been killed for the reason that he clearly mentioned in a detailed interview to Pakistani daily Ummat newspaper on 28 September 2001: "I am not responsible for 9/11, I have no knowledge of it. Killing innocent men, women and children is prohibited in Islam"
In short, what I can gather is that the Bush administration needed to subvert and frame Osama bin Laden and hold him accountable for whatever attacks and terrorism the US would commit since 2001 in the name of "retaliation". For this, the real Osama had to be killed and replaced by a fake and rather fatty duplicate, who recorded videos most probably in some Hollywood-type studio with the CIA as Directors and Israeli Mossad as Producers.
The "recent killing" of Osama bin Laden (really?) has benefited the US administration in every way:
1) Now that "the man" is dead, the US can run out from Afghanistan before being buried in the Graveyard of Empires (Afghanistan) like the Soviets
2) The "birther" issue behind Obama now quite diverted
3) Obama's re-election campaign
4) Targeting Pakistan's strategic nuclear assets
5) Declaring Pakistan's ISI as a "terrorist organisation" as lobbied by India and Israel
6) Alleging presence of more "Al Qaeda leaders" in Pakistan. Recently, Jewish senator Carl Levin even went a step ahead to claim "Pakistan also knows the whereabouts of Mullah Omar"
7) Trying to lure Pakistan back into American dependency since Pakistan was the central state in fomenting good ties with China and Saudi Arabia on increased strategic cooperation. Analyst and historian Dr. Webster Tarpley Ph.D in an interview to Russia Today said that the CIA hoax at Abbottabad was staged to target Pakistan for its China and Saudi ties. Recently, Saudi Arabia had bought advanced nuclear-capable missiles from China with the assistance of Pakistan's military establishment. Dr. Tarpley further mentioned that the next false-flag after this hoax at Abbottabad will be staged by the CIA to target the ISI and "prove" it as a "terrorist outfit"
A few interesting things to share:
> BBC News reported on 8 December 2002:
"Officials from the Palestinian Authority have accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up the mock cell in order to justify attacks in Palestinian areas."
Also, Executive Intelligence Review reported on 20 December 2002:
"The United States government has been provided with concrete evidence that the Israeli Mossad and other Israeli intelligence services have been involved in a 13-month effort to "recruit" an Israeli-run, phony "al-Qaeda cell" among Palestinians, so that Israel could achieve a frontline position in the U.S. war against terrorism and get a green light for a worldwide "revenge without borders" policy. The question: Does the United States have the moral fiber to investigate?"
Mossad agents arrested by the Palestinian Authority (2002)
> In 2004, Times Online reported: Abu Qatada boasted to MI5 that he could prevent terrorist attacks and offered to expose dangerous extremists, while all along he was setting up a haven for his terror organisation in Britain....Among the scores of young militants who came to visit him in London was the chief suspect in the Madrid train bombings. His followers also included people who wanted to be suicide bombers for al-Qaeda, such as Richard Reid, the shoe bomber.... Instead, MI5 agents held three meetings with the cleric, who bragged of his influence among young Islamic militants and insisted that they were no risk to Britain's national security.
> Al Qaeda in Iraq:
The BBC reported on 12/5/2002:
"The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as "members of the SAS elite special forces" . They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene"
Original link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/424614.stm (apparently removed)
> Israeli Al Qaeda in the Phillipines, as reported by The Manila Bulletin Online on 18 June 2004:
"Philippine National Police (PNP) operatives apprehended an Israeli suspected to be a member of the al-Qaeda terror network in in Baguio City on June 7"
Original link: http://www.mb.com.ph/PROV2004061411759.html (apparently removed, archived here)
> Adil Hadi Al Jazairi bin Hamlili, the Al Qaeda terrorist responsible for several terror attacks in Pakistan including a powerful bomb blast at a hotel in Karachi in 2004 turned out to be an MI6 double agent [Source]
> BBC's award-winning documentary "The Power of Nightmares" [Watch]
> FBI engineers Al-Qaeda terror plot, builds fake bomb, creates real terrorist [Watch]
> Press TV reported on 23 June 2009 that Qari Zainuddin Mehsud, former terrorist-turned whistleblower revealed that the 'Pakistani Taliban' (TTP) who are allied with Al Qaeda is "pursing a US and Israeli agenda, backed by both American and Israeli intelligence agencies". He was assassinated by the TTP a few days later. [Watch his confession here]
There should be no atom of doubt left that 'Al Qaeda' is actually a joint worldwide group of assassins and terrorists who are controlled by the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD. All three have vested interests spearheaded by their governments:
1) The US wants extended access to oil reserves such as those in Libya and Iraq
2) Israel wants to hasten the race to their dream of a "Greater Israel"
3) The British want to revive their colonial/imperial stronghold over their territories
Pakistan is the next target. The pace is on road to World War III, with much accreditation to the corporate media networks in the West spreading disinformation and propaganda which is sadly picked up by local news agencies in Pakistan also.
The "confirmation" by the fraud Al Qaeda of Osama's "recent death" is enough to show whose interests they serve and where the message is coming from.
The prime objective: De-nuclearization of Pakistan and making it subservient to India.
First, they said "Obama and top officials were watching the raid live in the Situation Room"
Later the CIA chief says "there was a 25 minute blackout during which the live feed from cameras mounted on the helmets of the US special forces was cut off"
1. What were they watching then, for which they posed so heroically?
2. How can they prove they killed "Osama bin Laden" in Abbottabad?
Article Source: http://www.terminalx.org/2011/05/report-israels-al-qaeda-exposes-itself.html#axzz1LpxSLxF3
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