
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fazail-e-Shab-e-Me'raj Sharif [Youm-e-Be'sat-e-Nabawi SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam]

♥ فضائل شب معراج شریف ♥
یوم بعثت نبوی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم

بیہقی شعب الایمان اور دیلمی نے مسند الفردوس میں سلمان فارسی رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ سے مرفوعاً روایت كی:

فی رجب یوم ولیلة من صام ذٰلك الیوم وقام تلك اللیلة كان كمن صام من الدهر مائة سنة وقام مائة سنة وھو  لثلث بقین من رجب وفیه بعث اﷲ تعالٰی محمدا صلی اﷲ تعالٰی علیه وسلّم۔
رجب میں ایک دن اور رات ہے جو اس دن كا روزہ ركھے اور وُہ رات نوافل میں گزارے سَو برس كے روزوں اور سَو برس كے شب بیداری كے برابر ہو، اور وہ ۲۷رجب ہے اسی تاریخ اﷲ عزوجل نے محمد صلی اﷲ تعالیٰ علیہ وسلم كو مبعوث فرمایا۔

الفردوس بمأثور الخطاب حدیث ٤۳۸۱ دارالكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۱٤۲
شعب الایمان حدیث ۳۸۱۱ دارالكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۳۷٤

نیز اسی میں بطریق ابان بن عیاش حضرت انس رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ سے مرفوعاً مروی:

فی رجب لیلة یكتب للعامل فیھا حسنات مائة سنة، وذٰلك لثلٰث بقین من رجب فمن صلی فیه اثنتی عشرة ركعة یقرأ فی كل ركعة فاتحة الكتاب وسورة من القرأن، ویتشھد فی كل ركعة ویسلم فی اٰخرهن، ثم یقول، سبحٰن اﷲ والحمدﷲ ولاالٰہ الااﷲ واﷲ اكبر مائة مرة ویستغفر اﷲ مائة مرة ویصلی عن النّبی صلی اﷲتعالٰی علیہ وسلم مائة مرة ویدعو لنفسہ ماشاء من امر دنیاه واٰخرته ویصبح صائما فان اﷲ یستجیب دعاء كلہ الاان یدعوفي معصیة۔
رجب میں ایک رات ہے كہ اس میں عمل نیك كرنے والے كو سَو برس كی نیكیوں كا ثواب ہے اور وہ رجب كی ستائیسویں شب ہے جو اس میں بارہ ركعت پڑھے ہرركعت میں سورہ فاتحہ اور ایك سورت، اور ہر دوركعت پر التحیات اور آخر میں بعد سلام سبحن اﷲ والحمد ﷲ ولاالٰہ الا اﷲ واﷲ اكبرسو بار، استغفار سَو بار، درود سو بار، اور اپنی دنیا وآخرت سے جس چیز كی چاہے دعا مانگے اور صبح كو رزہ ركھے تو اﷲ تعالیٰ اس كی سب دعائیں قبول فرمائے سوائے اس دُعا كے جو گناہ كے لیے ہو۔ (شعب الایمان حدیث ۳۸۱۲۱ دارالكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۳۷٤)

فوائد ہناد میں انس رضی اﷲ تعالٰی عنہ سے مروی:

بعث نبیا فی السابع والعشرین رجب فمن صام ذٰلك الیوم ودعا عند افطارہ كان لہ كفارة عشر سنتین۔
۲۷ رجب كو مجھے نبوت عطا ہُوئی جو اس دن كا روزہ ركھے اور افطار كے وقت دُعا كرے دس برس كے گناہوں كا كفارہ ہو۔ (تنزیه الشریعة بحوالہ فوائد ہناد كتاب الصوم حدیث ٤۱ دارالكتب العلمیة بیروت ۳ /۱٦۱)

جزء ابی معاذ مروزی میں بطریق شہر ابن حوشب ابوھریرہ رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ سے موقوفاً مروی:

من صام یوم سبع وعشرین من رجب كتب اﷲ له صیام ستین شھرا وھو الیوم الذی هبط فیه جبریل علی محمد صلی اﷲ تعالٰی علیه وسلم بالرسالة۔
جو رجب كی ستائیسویں كا روزہ ركھے تو اﷲ تعالیٰ اس كے لیے ساٹھ مہینوں كے روزوں كا ثواب لكھے، اور وُہ وُہ دن ہے جس میں جبریل علیہ الصلٰوة والسلام محمد صلّی اﷲ تعالیٰ علیہ و سلم كے لیے پیغمبری لے كر نازل ہُوئے۔ (تنزیه الشریعة بحوالہ جزء ابی معاذ كتاب الصوم حدیث ٤۱ دارا لكتب العلمیه بیروت ۳ /۱٦۱)

تنزیه الشریعة سے ماثبت من السّنة میں ہے:

وھذا أمثل ما ورد فی ھذا المعنی۔
یہ اُن سب حدیثوں سے بہتر ہے جو اس باب میں آئیں۔ بالجملہ اس كے لیے اصل ہے اور فضائلِ اعمال میں حدیثِ ضعیف باجماعِ ائمہ مقبول ہے واﷲتعالٰی اعلم۔

تنزیه الشریعة بحوالہ جزء ابی معاذ كتاب الصوم حدیث ٤۱ دارا لكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۱٦۱
ما ثبت بالسنة مع اردو ترجمہ ذكرماہِ رجب ارادہ نعیمیہ رضویہ لال كھوہ موچی گیٹ لاہور ص ۲۳٤


Do's & Don'ts for Spondylitis Patients


Do regular exercise to maintain neck strength, flexibility and range of motion.

Use firm mattress, thin pillow.

Do turn to one side while getting up from lying down position.

Wear a cervical collar during the day.

Regularly walk or engage in low-impact aerobic activity.

In order to avoid holding the head in the same position for long periods, take break while driving, watching TV or working on a computer.

Use a seat belt when in a car and use firm collar while traveling.

When in acute pain take rest, immobilize the neck, and take medications as directed.


Avoid sitting for prolonged period of time in stressful postures.

Avoid running and high-impact aerobics, if you have any neck pain.

Do not lift heavy weights on head or back.

Avoid bad roads, if traveling by two or four wheelers.

Do not drive for long hours; take breaks.

Avoid habit of holding the telephone on one shoulder and leaning at it for long time.

Do not take many pillows below the neck and shoulder while sleeping.

Do not lie flat on your stomach.

In order to turn around, do not twist your neck or the body; instead turn around by moving your feet first.

Do not undergo spinal manipulations if you are experiencing acute pain.

What are the bad postures that can worsen cervical spondylitis?
1. The head held forward from normal position
2. The shoulders held up and forward
3. The chest bent and rounded
4. The pelvic area tilted backwards
5. The hips, knees and ankles bent

New Scholarships and Financial Aid Updates from

Good day Dear Brothers and Sisters,Its Tuesday, June 28th 2011

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New Scholarships and Financial Aid Updates from
June 23, 2011: Search Free Online College Scholarship, Financial Aid and Grants  

Dear Student,

Please find recently updated scholarships on
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Please forward this email to your friends if they are also interested
 in scholarships.

2012 PhD Grants for International Students at University of Padova, Italy 
University of Padova announced PhD grants for research for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses , Italy -2012 Study.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

DFL Postgraduate Scholarship for International Students, South Africa
Call for scholarship applications for the Drama for Life enhances scholarship programme at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Study Subject(s):Performing.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD Studentship in the Space Physics Group, University of Otago, New Zealand
University of Otago calls for scholarship application for PhD studies in  Space Physics, New Zealand Study Subject(s):Space Physics Course Level:PhD.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

The Epilepsy Foundation Grants and Fellowship Opportunities, USA 
Epilepsy Foundation offers Grants for International Scientists to do Biological or Behavioral Research. Study Subject(s):Biological or Behavioral Course Level:Research Scholarship.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
2011-2012 Roma Education Fund International Scholar Programme, Hungary 
Scholarship for Bachelors, Master, or PhD student to promote academic mobility of Roma students and support their academic integration internationally.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
The James Dyson Award for Graduate Students, Canada 
International Award for Graduate Students in the Field of Product Design, Industrial Design and Engineering by James Dyson Foundation in.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

Doctorate Positions at Faculty of Physics, Astronomy, and Applied Computer Science at Jagiellonian University in Poland – 2011 Study Subject(s):Coherenly.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the Department of Earth Sciences at University of Bristol, UK
NERC funded Postdoctoral Research position in characterisation of the near-field Eyjafjallajokull volcanic plume and its long-range influence at the University.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Overseas Scholarships for MS/MPhil leading to PhD for Pakistani Students at University of Cambridge, UK
Applications are invited from outstanding Pakistani nationals for the award of PhD scholarships jointly funded by HEC and Cambridge Commonwealth.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Teaching Fellowship in Extra-European History at University of Bristol, UK
University of Bristol funded Teaching Fellowship in Extra-European History, UK Study Subject(s): Extra-European History Course Level: Teaching Scholarship Provider: University.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
2011 AustCham China Scholarship at University of Newcastle, Australia
University of Newcastle Offers the Scholarship to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Australian Students  in the Field of Business in Australia Study.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD/Postdoctoral Position in Medical Informatics at University of Haifa, Israel
2011  postdoctoral /PhD positions in Department of Information Systems at University of Haifa in Israel Study Subject(s):Medical Informatics Course Level:PhD/Postdoctoral.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Bill McAra Scholarship in Political Studies at University of Auckland, New Zealand
Postgraduate Scholarship  in the Field of Political Studies Provided by Estate of Diana Miriam Wilsie at University of Auckland in.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Predoctoral Research Training Fellowship for Scientists and Healthcare Professionals, USA
Pre-doctoral Fellowship for Understanding the Behavioral and Psychosocial aspects offered by Epilepsy Foundation. Study Subject(s):Understanding Behavioral and Psychosocial aspects Course.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Lymphoma Research Foundation offers Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, New York 2012
Postdoctoral Research Scholarship for Treatment of Diagnosis or Prevention of Hodgkin and/or non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Study Subject(s):Etiology, Immunology, Genetics, Therapies and.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD Scholarship in the Institute for Science, Systems and Models (NSM) at Roskilde University, Denmark
Roskilde University offers PhD Scholarship in Cooee: CO2 emission reduction by exploitation of rolling resistance modelling of pavements at the.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Milan 2011, Italy
2011 University of Milan offers 90 Postdoctoral Fellowship in various fields in Italy. Study Subject(s):Various Course Level:Postdoctoral Scholarship Provider: University.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD Scholarship at the Department of Science, Systems and Models, Roskilde University, Denmark
PhD scholarship for research on Effect of resveratrol on inflammation and metabolic disease at the Roskilde University in Denmark -2011.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD Studentship in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at University of Helsinki, Finland
PhD Student Position in the field of science, technology and innovation studies at University of Helsinki in Finland Study Subject(s):science,.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Research Positions at Central Institution of Fisheries Technology, India
RA and SRF Positions in Responsible Harvesting and Utilisation of Selected Small Pelagic and Freshwater Fishes at Central Institution of.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
2011 Research Position at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School offers Research position in the field of Health Services and Systems Research in Singapore -2011 Study.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Stipends for Students in the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences offers  stipends for students of 4 th and 5 th year preparing.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

2011 Postdoctoral Research at University of Helsinki, Finland 
University of Helsinki offers Postdoctoral Research in the field of human and social sciences in Finland-2011 Study Subject(s):Human and social.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD and Postdoctoral Research Positions in VSAP at Khalifa University, UAE 
University of Bristol and Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research offers PhD and Postdoctoral Research  for the applicants of.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
A*STAR India Youth Scholarship 2012, Singapore 
Scholarship for indian nationals   in the field of Science and Technology Provided by Minister of Education in Singapore Study Subject(s):any.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD Research Fellowship in Tele Economics at NTNU, Norway 
PhD research fellowship at the Department of Telematics at the Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering (IME),  Norwegian.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
Walter Jones Scholarships for Undergraduate Studies at University of Canterbury, New Zealand

University of Canterbury Offers the Scholarship to Undergraduate Students in the field of Science in New Zealand Study Subject(s):Science Course.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]
PhD Programme in Telematics at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 

Doctorate Programme at the Department of Telematics at Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Norway -2011 Study Subject(s):Telematics.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]

Scholarship and Financial Aid Search

Do share this with students who may benefit
PhD Positions:Coherenly Prepared Media – Novel Properties and Applications at Jagiellonian University, Poland
2012 The Nestlé Scholarship for Women from Developing Countries, Switzerland 
Nestle Scholarship in MBA for  Women from  Developing Countries offered by IMD Study Subject(s):MBA Course Level:Masters Scholarship Provider: IMD Scholarship.. [Read Full Scholarship Detail]


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Abaya Size Chart (Islamic Clothing)

Abaya & Jilbab Garment Size
Abaya Size: X Small (Bust: 36” ~ 39”, Hip: 40” ~ 42”, Length: 50” ~ 54”)
Abaya Size: Small (Bust: 40” ~ 41”, Hip: 43” ~ 45”, Length: 50” ~ 54”)
Abaya Size: Medium (Bust: 42”~ 44”, Hip: 46” ~ 49”, Length: 54” ~58 “)
Abaya Size: Large (Bust: 45”~ 48”, Hip: 50”~ 52”, Length: 54” ~58 “)
Abaya Size: Extra Large (Bust: 49” ~ 52”, Hip: 53” ~ 55”, Length: 56” ~ 60”)
Abaya Size: 2X - Large (Bust: 53”~ 55”, Hip: 56” ~ 57”, Length: 56” ~ 60”)
Abaya Size: 3X - Large (Bust: 56” ~ 60”, Hip: 58”  ~ 62”, Length: 56” ~ 60”)
Abaya Size: 4X - Large (Bust: 61” ~ 64”, Hip: 63” ~ 67”, Length: 56” ~ 60”)

Abaya Size Measurements (Islamic Clothing)

Shoulder Width: Distance between the edge of shoulders.
Bust: Measure under arms around fullest part of bust. Be sure to keep tape level across back and comfortably loose.
Natural waist: Measure around natural waist with a loose tape.
Hips: Measure around fullest part of body at top of legs. Keep feet together and tape parallel to floor.
Length: Measure from highest part of shoulder ( near neck) to heel.
Sleeve Length: Measure from shoulder edge to after wrist joint by 1 inch / 2.5 cm.

Note: a good fit abaya will be 3- 4 inches / 7.5 - 10 cm bigger than your actual body measure in bust and hips area.

Abaya Size Measurements (Islamic Clothing)